Vacuum Test For Pumps

So, doing a vacuum test can tell you more about your Pump capability than you think.

Also, one of the easiest and cheapest ways to check an Pump for serious issues; is to do a vacuum test.

In most cases the only definite fact available is that the absolute vacuum required is not being achieved. Invariably the vacuum pump is blamed. It is thus imperative to have some reliable test which can be used to determine if in fact the pump is healthy or not. This test takes only a few seconds to run, and in no way requires a skilled technician.

To perform the vacuum test, the pump case should be filled with water and a small amount of grease applied to the rubber face of the vacuum gauge. The discharge port should be open and free of obstruction. After the engine has been started and brought up to the proper RPM, simply apply the vacuum gauge assembly to the suction opening. In a few seconds, a vacuum will start to develop and the gauge should remain in position during the test.

If the vacuum gauge reads 25", then rest assured that the pump is capable of lifting water 25 feet (assuming that the suction hose and fittings are correctly applied). If this test is performed each time a pump is sent out on a rent, you can eliminate the customer’s complaints of the pump’s inability to prime.
If the pump has been checked and it pulls 25" of vacuum, then the problem will be elsewhere and you should refer to Pump Troubleshooting Guide.

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